Helping Business owners manage all daily booking appointment in their stores.
In this 4 weeks project, I had a chance to work with back-end team to understand current version of Sunnypoint Dashboard Appointment before proposing a redesign for the dashboard experience. Deliverables included design process, a high fidelity mockup, and a presentation.
deation, wireframes, visual design
Active Media, 2018
Apr - May 2018 (4 weeks)
1. Current Status
High churn in SMB Accounts
Hard-to-scale Customer Success services, particularly SMB customers
No way to identify and nurture social selling experts and influencers
What has been done before?
LinkedIn’s Sales Solutions group ran a limited pilot (EMEA only) on the Salesforce Community Cloud platform, using VisualForce
High churn in SMB Accounts
Hard-to-scale Customer Success services, particularly SMB customers
No way to identify and nurture social selling experts and influencers
2. The Process
I began the project by understanding how student currently use dashboard and what their biggest frustrations are. Based on my findings, I decided to tackle 3 problems.
Simplified navigation
Back-end developer can verify bug type
From business view, the product owner want the next version of dashboard can be deployed to all stores so that store owners can manage their daily booking without our help.
Then, I carried out visual design research, before sketching out some ideas, wireframing to get quick feedback, and finally creating high-fidelity visuals. I also created animations to better describe some of the interactions
Understading Information Architechture
Initial Explorations
I worked alongside back- end team and Project manager to explore different layout variations based on the feedback we received in the survey. I also took the constraints from the Salesforce community and third-party developers into consideration.
Persona & User Journey Mapping
After totally understanding how SunnyPoint dashboard works, I determined that developer was the second role and business owners was the main. Therefore, Persona and user scenario were built for them.
User journey mapping
High - Fidelity Wireframe
Before creating high-fidelity mockups, I created simple wireframes to see how the content could best be laid out on the page.
4. Final design
Major change
After receiving great feedback i turned the wireframes into high fidelity mocks up. I went a step further with the UI including font, color and icon. Dashboard are received some changes, but Store member, report and Salonboard pages synchronization are completely reworked.
All screens
5. Salonboard Synchronization
1. Login screens
2. Store member screens
3. Report screens
4. Proxy screens
Prototype Wireframe
After finish visual design, I created the first clickable prototype:
Click here >>> <<< Click here
A second round of usability testing was conducted. It was time present to Project Manager my re-design solution to digitally improve SunnyPoint dashboard appointment.
5. Constraints & Trade-offs
The dashboard might not have all the information the users asked for but we believe showing the 3 most important things when judging performance: status of stores, bookng appointments and errors when synchronizing.
This dashboard is ideal for a manager managing salon or spa with less than 100 employees but this dashboard does not scale for larger models. What if I manage 100+ people? The CEO or Director persona will need a much high level dashboard tracking multiple departments, the ability to drill-down into problems and superior export capabilities.